Emmanuel Group
For children ages 4-12 years old
During the Sunday 11:30 English Mass Only
from September to June
Emmanuel (which means “God is with us”) Group is a Children’s Liturgy of the Word that takes place during the English 11:30 Mass every Sunday with the exception of the Family Mass once a month when there is no Emmanuel group gathering.
At the beginning of the mass, all the children are called forward and led out to an assigned area downstairs. They return during the offertory song.
Children are able to grasp better the message of the Gospel adapted to their level through prayer, simplified readings, songs, crafts and activities. What a great way to introduce and share the Good News with children.
*We are currently looking for parish volunteers to run Emmanuel Group.
For more information:
Contact the parish office (450) 458-5322
Matthew 19:14
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
14 but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”